Customs Radar System

“The Customs Radar System is responsible for storing and unifying all data related to foreign trade practices. Thus, an agent that wishes to operate any type of commercial transaction with another country is required to have the authorization at customs Government.”


  • An authorization in the RADAR (Registration and Tracking Environment for Customs Agents) system is required so that a natural person or legal entity can carry out foreign trade operations (import or export).
  • Thus, prior authorization of the legal representative by the Federal Revenue Service is required, alongside the Federal Revenue Service, which provides natural persons and legal entities with access to SISCOMEX (Integrated Foreign Trade System), a computerized system that integrates the activities of registration, follow-up and monitoring of operations in foreign trade, by the Federal Revenue Service.

Qualification in RADAR/SISCOMEX is required for any natural person or legal entity who wishes to import or export merchandise, such as:

  • Legal entities: imports of inputs, raw materials and finished products and exports in general.
  • Natural person: imports for own consumption, computers, art objects, etc.


Natural persons authorized in Siscomex may only carry out operations in:

  • Foreign trade operations for the accomplishment of their professional activities, including in the condition of rural producer, artisan, artist or similar activities;
  • Imports for own use and consumption;
  • Imports for personal collections.


  • Express – applicable to importers, whose sum of the amounts, in each consecutive period of 6 months, is less than or equal to $50,000.00 (average term of approval: 1-3 days);
  • Limited – applicable to importers, whose sum of the amounts, in each consecutive period of 6 months, is greater than $50,000.00 and less than $150,000.00 (Average term of approval: 10-15 days);
  • Unlimited – applicable to importers, whose sum of the amounts, in each consecutive period of 6 months, exceeds $150,000.00 (average time to grant 15-25 days).

Why is it important for exports?

Being in accordance with the conditions provided by law is the first step to ensuring a good performance and avoiding problems with the tax authorities.

Thus, to take advantage of all the business opportunities in the foreign market, acquiring the qualification in RADAR is indispensable for companies of any branch and size. This document proves the regularity of the international activities, in addition to ensuring the correct completion of the documentation related to the export.

The qualification is not only important to ensure compliance with legal parameters, but also to optimize internal processes. By allowing access to SISCOMEX, a system that works with information in a single flow, this registry helps eliminate excess documents and reduce administrative costs.

The purpose of RADAR is to establish a monitoring procedure over legal entities and natural persons operating in the foreign trade segment. Currently the RADAR authorization is regulated by Normative Instruction 1603/15 of 12/15/2015 and standardized through COANA Ordinance 123, of 9/28/2012.


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